A Yearly IT Audit Will Keep Your Business Running Smoothly
Get peace of mind that your business’s confidential information is secure
How confident are you in your computer network’s security system? If you can’t remember the last time you updated it, you’re probably in for a long overdue upgrade.
As more businesses make the switch to working from home, digital security becomes more important than ever. Home wi-fi is usually not as secure as an office business network – but that doesn’t have to be the case. With premium web hosting and security services, your website and work network will be protected from hackers and viruses.
When Lunarstorm onboards new clients, we start with a tech and IT audit to assess your business’s current equipment and protection plan. We perform this standard IT audit yearly on your network, computers, servers, and mobile devices, then present clients with a report that recommends any upgrades or changes.
As the capabilities of technology keep advancing, so do the capabilities of hackers. It’s important to keep your computer hardware and software updated, and fully protected from scams and ransomware.
A common problem that we encounter is that clients reach out to Lunarstorm for IT help only once they have been hacked into and already lost access to their business database. Unfortunately, it happens quite often and the amount of work it takes to undo the problems caused by a hacker is much more time-consuming and expensive to fix than it would’ve taken to set up a prevention plan.
Our expert IT team can perform all of your security updates on-site or remotely. A modest subscription fee to a business security system is more affordable than fixing big issues later on, and will give you the peace of mind that you are keeping your confidential information safe. Simple security strategies such as creating stronger passwords and using 2-Factor Authentication also go a long way.
Most small businesses don’t have the need to keep a dedicated IT member on the team, which is why it’s convenient to outsource any IT services out to tech agencies such as Lunarstorm. This means that our IT services are available whenever you need it, and you can rest assured that help is just a click away.
Not only does our IT team provide IT consulting advice and tips such as how to recognize and prevent phishing attempts, we can also keep back-ups of all your data in our secure network. Our clients trust us to only recommend the necessary hardware and software upgrades, and it’s always the client’s decision on which products and services they’d like to go with.
We believe that the best protection is proactive prevention. However, this is not always what happens in practice. So, when problems arise, you can trust Lunarstorm with all your IT service needs.